Archives of Employment

New Payroll Tax Deferral Guidance

  On August 8, 2020, President Trump issued a Presidential Memorandum allowing for the deferral of federal payroll taxes for the period of September 1, 2020, through December 31, 2020. The memorandum directed the Secretary of the Treasury to use his authority to defer certain payroll tax obligations for American workers in most need during this global-wide […]

Supreme Court Rules Title VII Protects LGBTQ Employees From Discrimination

On June 15, 2020, the Supreme Court, in a 6-3 vote, ruled that Title VII protects employees from discrimination based on their gender identity and sexual orientation.   Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (“Title VII”) prohibits employers from discriminating against employees “because of… sex.” The Supreme Court addressed the question of […]

Employer Liability for COVID-19

Does a business have potential liability if someone contracts coronavirus (COVID-19) on business premises? Maybe, but, in most cases, it’s unlikely.  In North Carolina, there are three primary sources of potential liability for injury to employees: (1) the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the “OSH Act”); (2) the North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Act; […]

New Guidance for Critical Infrastructure Workers

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently published interim guidance for implementing safety practices for critical infrastructure workers who may have had exposure to a person with COVID-19.  According to the CDC, in order to ensure continuity of operations, critical infrastructure workers may be permitted to continue working following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they […]

SBA Interim Final Rule – What To Know Before You Apply

On April 2, 2020, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) released its Interim Final Rule, which provides further guidance on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Here are a few things you should know: No more than 25% of the loan proceeds may be expended on eligible expenses other than payroll costs.  The lender will calculate the […]

Paycheck Protection Program Loans: Application Forms and Guidance Released

As most of you are already aware, as part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, the federal government recently allocated $349 billion to help small businesses. Yesterday, the federal government released the application form and some supplemental guidance all employers should review. Beginning on April 3, 2020, small businesses with less […]

US Department of Labor Announces New Paid Sick Leave and Expanded FFCRA Regulations: FFCRA Guidance to Help Employers and Employees Understand Expanded Paid Sick Leave for COVID-19

On April 1, 2020, the United States Department of Labor announced new regulations offering guidance as to how employers and employees will benefit from relief and protection under the Families Coronavirus Response Act (“FFCRA”). FFCRA reimburses private employers with fewer than 500 employees with tax credits for the cost of providing employees with paid leave in […]

Paycheck Protection Loans Available Soon for All Small Businesses

Employers with fewer than 500 employees should contact their bank as soon as possible to start the process of applying for a “Paycheck Protection Loan.” Paycheck protection loans are SBA loans designed to help employers cover payroll costs and other expenses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paycheck protection loans do not require personal guarantees or collateral. Best of […]